Saturday, June 25, 2022


This is coolbert:

The Syrian bashi bazooks Ukraine have arrived?

Syrian recruits fighting for the Russian military the Ukraine Conflict!

Click on image to see an enlarged view.

As was the topic of a previous blog entry, the recruitment of Syrian nationals to fight on the Russian side in the Ukraine Conflict duly noted and reported. See:

Bashi bazook to clarify in the Islamic tradition irregular fighters recruited from persons often imprisoned their release from confinement made with the proviso of military service a must!

Bashi bazook as tacitly understood not being required to follow the normal rules and conduct of land warfare. Even plunder and pillage as a common practice by the bashi bazook encouraged in an unexpressed and unspoken manner as an incentive of recruitment.

My impression is that the Syrian bashi bazook was to function as occupation troops Ukraine primarily but it seems now involved in direct combat?


1 comment:

  1. Bert says: Go listen to the podcast from Al Jazeera. Syrians as in Ukraine number only in the few hundreds if that.
