Wednesday, June 1, 2022


This is coolbert:

The Russian can-do man Ukraine now gone? Gotten the axe? Vlad using the proven winner now even disappointed with the proven winner?

As others before him Dvornikov gone too?

"Russia's top commander in Ukraine hasn't been seen in two weeks: Report"

From the story by Daniel Chaitin - 

"Gen. Aleksandr Dvornikov, picked by Russian President Vladimir Putin last month to take over the invasion of Ukraine, has disappeared, according to a new report."

"The so-called Butcher of Syria has not been seen in two weeks, leading officials to speculate that he is no longer in command of the campaign, the New York Times reported Tuesday."

"Dvornikov, who was given command of Russia's Southern Military District after achieving infamy for his brutal campaigns in Syria, was tasked in early April with conquering Ukraine's eastern Donbas region after a large-scale attack on Ukraine floundered in the face of heavy resistance led by President Volodymyr Zelensky and backed by much of the West."

Dvornikov his methods successful in Ukraine. Faced a much more formidable and determined enemy in Ukraine his success far less?

See previous blog entries the topic Aleksandr:


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