Wednesday, June 22, 2022


This is coolbert:

Continuing with more coverage, the "fragging" incident the USA military base Syria.

A culprit has been arrested and will face justice?

"American airman arrested in connection with April attack on US base in Syria"

From the "Air Force Times" as seen at the story by Rachel Cohen June 21, 2022.

"Military law enforcement on June 16 arrested an American airman as part of an ongoing investigation into an insider attack on a small U.S. base in northern Syria that injured four service members in April, CNN reported Tuesday."

“'An airman was taken into custody stateside in conjunction with the attack in Green Village, Syria,' Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek told CNN. 'After reviewing the information in the investigation, the airman’s commander made the decision to place him in pretrial confinement.'”

An airman? An airman? An angry and disaffected military man having some beef not made apparent.


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