Sunday, June 26, 2022


This is coolbert:

As goes Severodonetsk so goes the nation? Ukraine in big trouble!

From the Internet web site Al Jazeera and thanks to same.

Russian objective Severodonetsk attained! Massive and overwhelming force used relentlessly and in a focused manner victory for the Russian. The Ukrainian now having made a stand, lost the battle, but have retired to fight another day.

"Fall of city after weeks of street fighting transforms the battlefield in the east of Ukraine to Moscow’s advantage."

Severodonetsk as shown in the images as was Mariupol before it major portions of the city reduced to rubble, uninhabitable! No one can deny the Russian artillery-centric army ability to bludgeon an adversary into submission!

"Russian forces have fully occupied Severodonetsk, the mayor of the eastern Ukrainian city said, confirming Ukraine’s biggest battlefield setback for more than a month after weeks of fighting to hold the strategic town and latest symbol of Ukrainian resistance."


* The Ukrainian defenders retiring in an orderly manner? Ukrainian military units too depleted to conduct further military operations?

* Russian forces also severely depleted as a result of the battle? Further westward advance into Ukraine highly questionable?

* Vlad will now call a halt to combat and declare minimalist objectives the war attained? 

See prior blog entries as relevant to Severeodonetsk:


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