Friday, May 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

Shipments of grain from Ukrainian ports now currently curtailed the solution is now found?

With terms! Terms as dictated by the Russian? 

From "Business Insider" the story by Huileng Tan May 26, 2022. Tip from

"Russia says it would let ships carrying food exports leave Ukraine if some sanctions were lifted"

Some sanctions! Some!

* "Russia said it would allow ships carrying food to leave Ukrainian ports if some sanctions were lifted."

* "Ukrainian ports in the Black Sea have been blocked since Russia's invasion."

* "More than 20 million tons of grains are stuck in Ukraine amid a global food crunch."

* "A senior Russian government official said the Kremlin would allow ships carrying food to leave Ukrainian ports in exchange for the lifting of sanctions"

More to follow! Standby!


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