Monday, May 16, 2022


This is coolbert:

SIW = Self-inflicted Wound.

From the "Daily Beast" the original story by Reuters. "Daily Beast" entry by Allison Quinn 15 May.

Russian soldiers the Ukraine Conflict maiming themselves as to be unfit for combat.

"‘Let Someone Whack You’: Russian Troops Are Now Deliberately Wounding Themselves to Get Out of Putin’s War"

"Russian troops have apparently become so demoralized in Ukraine that they have been concocting ways to injure themselves."

"Nearly 90 days into Vladimir Putin’s “special military operation” in Ukraine, Russian troops have apparently become so demoralized and desperate to quit they’ve begun deliberately injuring themselves."


"A man identified as a Russian soldier in an air assault brigade based in Ukraine’s Kherson region can be heard venting his frustrations to his mother and explaining why he wants to abandon the fight."

The self-inflicted wound [SIW] a practice hardly confined to the Ukraine Conflict. During the Great War [WW1[ British troops referring to the "blighty wound". Often a SIW of whatever sort not life threatening but allowing a wounded man to avoid future combat.

"Faced with the prospect of being killed or permanently disabled, soldiers sometimes hoped that they would receive what was known as a blighty wound, and be sent back home. There were some cases where soldiers shot themselves in an attempt to end their time on the frontline. Self-inflicted wounds (SIW) was a capital offence and if discovered, a man found guilty of this faced execution by firing-squad. A total of 3,894 men in the British Army were convicted of SIW. None of these men were executed but they all served periods in prison."

Devoted readers to the blog are encouraged to read the linked article

Combat medics and doctors administering to such wounds often quite good at spotting injuries SIW.


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