Monday, May 23, 2022

Severodonetsk I.

This is coolbert:

From Forbes by David Axe the article as seen at

"Giant Artillery Opens Fire As Russia Goes On The Attack In Donbas"

Artillery-centric Russian army now deploying their heaviest weapons for the Donbass operation. Objective obliterate the Ukrainian defender.  Ukrainian army units vicinity Severodonetsk beware!

"Fighting has sharply escalated in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region. Both sides are bringing in more and heavier artillery, adding to the carnage."

"But it’s the Russians who have the biggest guns and mortars—and who are most willing to shoot indiscriminately. 'In the coming weeks, Russia is likely to continue to rely heavily on massed artillery strikes as it attempts to regain momentum in its advance in the Donbas,' the U.K. Defence Ministry warned on Tuesday."


"Russian gunners meanwhile have brought in their biggest cannons and mortars. Videos that circulated online in recent days depict both 2S7 203-millimeter self-propelled howitzers and 2S4 240-millimeter self-propelled mortars firing on Ukrainian positions in Donbas."

"These massive artillery pieces with their 200- or 300-pound shells can penetrate earthworks and bunkers to a greater depth than smaller-calibers guns can do."

Each of those weapons 2S7 and 2S4 should also have an ability at least in theory to for fire an atomic round if necessary!

OH MY! What are we in for?


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