Tuesday, May 31, 2022


This is coolbert:

Here with an aspect of war few want to talk about. Burial of the battlefield dead, military and civilian both. 

1. "Russians hauling corpses washed from graves to Mariupol supermarket - the mayors adviser"

Sun, May 29, 2022, 3:17 AM

 From Ukrayinska Pravda [Ukrainian Truth] story by ROMAN PETRENKO – 29 May 2022.

"The Russian occupiers in Mariupol have hauled corpses washed out of graves during the restoration of water supply to a supermarket, said the mayor's adviser Petro Andryushchenko."

"Quote from Andryushchenko: 'In the premises of the 'Shchyryi kum' supermarket in the Livoberezhny district on Svoboda Avenue, the Russians have set up a corpse dump. Literally.'"

"The Russians are bringing the bodies of the dead here, bodies which were washed out of graves and partially exhumed in an attempt to restore water supply. They are just dumping them like garbage."

"'There is a catastrophic shortage of people to bury the corpses and of power for even makeshift mortuaries. To such an extent that a separate recruitment campaign for pathologists has been launched in Moscow.'"

Mariupol I imagine the remains of military and civilian dead to be policed and buried for some time to come. An essential task as unpalatable as it is.

Even more:

2. "Tending Russia's Dead as They Pile Up in Ukraine"

From "The New York Times" story by Valerie Hopkins May 30, 2022.

"KHARKIV, Ukraine — They lie in white and black bags at 20 degrees below zero Celsius, but the stench is still overpowering. Filled with the bodies of 62 Russian soldiers, the bags are stacked in a refrigerated train car in a secret location on the outskirts of Ukraine’s second-largest city. A spry, elderly train worker spun open the vaultlike door to reveal the bloodied bags as the scent hung in the damp air."

“'We are collecting these bodies for sanitary reasons, because dogs have been eating them,' said a Ukrainian soldier who would only give his call sign, Summer. 'Eventually, we will return them to their loved ones.'”

Summer said many of the bodies had been lying in the open for a month or longer before his unit found them. His two-man team works to identify the soldiers by their faces, tattoos and belongings. They also take a DNA swab from each corpse to determine whether any are potential war-crimes suspects."

Read further the Graves Registration Units from the era of World War Two:

"It was important to bury all the dead primarily for health concerns. Decomposing bodies out in the open spread disease and lowered troop morale. It was better that the troops didn't encounter the remains of Soldier Dead very often, lest the fear and panic they already felt increase, making them unable to do their job effectively" 

Dead bodies as collected buried with a degree of honor as soon as possible. Repatriation and exchange of the battlefield remains often a give-and-take concession item.

During the Second Indo-China War the VC/NVA would strip a dead American soldier of his ID and uniform and bury the man in a secret location. To be used later as bargaining chips during peace negotiations.


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