Sunday, May 22, 2022


This is coolbert:

Don't despair folks, it is all a test don't you know? Shapes of things to come however? 


PUBLISHED:  20 May 2022 | UPDATED: 21 May 2022.

"Putin ally says the Ukraine war is a REHEARSAL for a bigger conflict between Russia and NATO and a 'learning experience'"

* "Moscow State University associate professor Alexei Fenenko made the claims" * "He said war in Ukraine 'is a rehearsal for a possible larger conflict in the future'" * "Fenenko said it's a learning experience for Russia to test weapons against NATO"  * "It is the latest example of Kremlin's push to control the narrative of the invasion" * "But Russia has lost over 28,000 troops and thousands of military vehicles and weapons according to the latest data provided by Ukraine's armed forces"

"A Russian political science professor has claimed the war in Ukraine could simply be a 'rehearsal' for a bigger conflict, allowing Russia's military to test and compare its firepower with that of NATO."


"'I think the war in Ukraine... is a rehearsal for a possible larger conflict in the future. We are testing our weapons against those of NATO, we will find out how much stronger our weapons are than theirs,' the professor declared."

The same was said about American involvement in the Second Indo-China War. The war allowed American military planners to evaluate their military hardware for deficiencies, plus and minus, etc.

AND at the same time evaluate the effectiveness of Soviet advanced military gear as supplied to the North Vietnamese. With special regard to air defense system. A real-world test of positive and negative how good or bad the Soviet hardware and doctrine functioned in air combat.


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