Thursday, May 26, 2022


This is coolbert:

Once again the German and NATO readiness. Especially within the circumstances of the German military lacking a capability for organic transport and logistical support.

Courtesy Commander Salamander April 11, 2022.

"The current structure of the Bundeswehr, as it is currently structured in the capabilities, in the structures, is actually based on a different picture of war, not on national defense and alliance defense, but on international crisis management, as we say today, 'out of area' operations. That's why we reduced our own forces in strategic transport, including tactical transport, because we assumed we could definitely do it (transport and logistics) with cheaper civilian service providers. Well, with the refocusing on national defense, we have a different picture, so we have to insource some of what we outsourced for reasons of secured availability in case of need..."

"Note: [thanks to the Commander] this interview is in German. If your German is not up to where it should be, just click the settings part of the video in YouTube, then subtitle/cc, then autotranslate, then English, and that will work for you just fine."

Germans prior to the Ukraine Conflict "outsourced" military transport and logistics due to budget constraints. The German now during a time of crisis and enhanced threat LACKING for what they NEED. Impedimenta as NEEDED not so cheap or easily gotten! Pay me now or pay more later!

Gallieni in 1914 did mobilize the Paris taxicabs. The Germans need however much more.


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