Saturday, May 21, 2022


This is coolbert:

The hyper-sexualized American military man behaving badly. Punished harshly as a consequence of his actions..

Courtesy the tip from Kenny the story by the New York Post.

"National Guard Officer Retires After 'Motoroboating' (Don’t Look This Up) Subordinant…"

"A Louisiana Army National Guard officer was allowed to retire with full benefits after he was convicted of assault for 'motorboating' a subordinate soldier during an informal promotion ceremony last year, a report said."

"Capt. Billy Crosby, a logistics officer with the 256th Infantry Brigade Combat Team deployed in Jordan, spent 30 days in the brig for 'placing his face between [the junior soldier’s] breasts and moving his face from side to side,' in May 2021, according to court documents."

"According to the docs, he told the soldier twice in January that he would 'motorboat' her at her upcoming promotion ceremony."

End of career and everlasting shame and humiliation. Not good.


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