Saturday, May 28, 2022


This is coolbert:

I like this and expected devoted readers to the blog to do so also.

Major Gerald, French Foreign Legion [FFL] versus a freerunner/parkour enthusiast, FFL obstacle course. WHO will win?

- The freerunner Clément Dumais run again[st] Major Gerald from Foreign Legion.

"For this new challenge, professional free runner Clément Dumais accepted to run against Major Gérald from the French Foreign Legion on his track, an assault obstacle course. Who will master this particularly trying course?"

Freerunning and Parkour totally new concepts I had never heard of. Many devoted readers to the blog I expect the same also.

"Freerunning is an athletic and acrobatic discipline incorporating an aesthetic element, and can be considered either a sport or a performance art, or both. Freerunning is similar to parkour, from which it is derived, but emphasizes artistry over efficiency and speed. Freerunning involves interacting with physical obstacles in creative ways, such as by climbing, jumping or running; the obstacles may be purpose-built or may be part of a pre-existing natural or man-made environment. The movements are usually adopted from other sports, such as gymnastics, tricking or breakdancing. Freerunners can create their own moves, flows and lines in different landscapes. Practitioners of freerunning usually do parkour as well."

"Parkour  . ,. .  is an athletic training discipline in which practitioners . . . attempt to get from point A to point B in the most fluid way possible, without assisting equipment and in the fastest and most efficient way possible. With roots in military obstacle course training and martial arts, parkour includes running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, plyometrics, rolling, and quadrupedal movement—whatever is suitable for a given situation."

See the video courtesy You Tube:

"If your French is not up to where it should be, just click the settings part of the video in YouTube, then subtitle/cc, then autotranslate, then English, and that will work for you just fine."

French Foreign Legion [FFL] can be very selective with regard to recruiting and acceptance of wannabee legionnairres. Intake personnel carefully screened and expected to have a degree of physical fitness and aptitude demonstrably so prior to induction. Other military services of other nations also demanding in this regard.

Those FFL troops desiring to rise to the rank of sergeant in the FFL must complete that course in three minutes fifteen seconds!! Amazing.

Major Gerald a very physical specimen, wearing combat boots while completing the obstacle course. Each of those boots weighing about three pounds [1.3 kilograms]. Major Gerald also knows the various techniques as applicable to the course.

Major Gerald FFL has a whole series of such You Tube video on the Internet. So see for yourself.


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