Monday, May 16, 2022


This is coolbert:

From the Zubu boys without a whole lot of elaboration on my part.


I neither say yea or nay. I'm just not saying. You the devoted readers to the blog must draw your conclusions.

May 16, 2022.

"15 Explanations For The Slow But Steady Pace Of Russia’s Special Military Operation"

"15 Explanations For The Slow But Steady Pace Of Russia’s Special Military Operation"

"The present piece will attempt to provide some cogent explanations for helping everyone better understand the evolving military-strategic dynamics at play that are responsible for this."

"Observers across the world are debating the reasons why Russia’s ongoing special military operation in Ukraine is still raging despite over 80 days of fighting. Critics and supporters of that Eurasian Great Power alike largely seemed in agreement that the Kremlin would crush Kiev within a few days, if not a couple weeks at the absolute most."

Merely with regard to item # 1 on the list:

1. "Russia Likely Made A Last-Minute Decision To Launch The Campaign"

"There should be no doubt that the Russian Armed Forces (RAF) planned in advance for multiple scenarios including the possibility of intervening in Ukraine, but it might very well have been that it wasn’t until the last minute that President Putin decided to launch the campaign after exhausting all diplomatic options for averting it, which he might have sincerely believed could have succeeded."

Like I said, devoted readers to the blog must read the entire article and reach their own determination. Expect debate to continue for decades to come. 


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