Friday, April 15, 2022


This is coolbert:

"In general, the ships [Soviet Slava class cruisers] contain a great deal of flammable material and appear to lack adequate damage-control features."

The article by Corporal Frisk. Moskva damaged. Moskva in trouble. Moskva gone.

"Ukraine successfully burns Moskva"

ON APRIL 14, 2022 BY CORPORAL FRISK. And thank you Corporal.

That entire Russian Black Sea Fleet their mission during the current Ukraine Crisis a sideshow but with the sinking of the Moskva not now so irrelevant!

Moskva as flagship of the Black Sea Fleet the mission of which was * Command and control C^2. * Air defense the Russian ground forces those operations adjacent to the Black Sea. * The known armed formidable presence as a deterrent to potential foreign interventionist [NATO] naval activity the Black Sea.


"The thread of the day from the sea blockade. During its independence, Finland has not experienced a situation in which maritime traffic to Finland has been cut off. Maritime connections are a lifeline for Finland and we should therefore be interested in the (undeclared) maritime blockade by Russia in the Black Sea." [Translation from the Finnish courtesy Google Translate results surprisingly good. Naval choke points as noted in the circled areas excluding the Sea of Azov.]

Further from Corporal Frisk:

"This [sinking of the Moskva] also potentially open up the possibility to do something about the illegal blockade Russia is maintaining in the Black Sea. In short, you are allowed to blockade your enemy during war, but there are some set rules for how to go about doing so. One of these is that you are supposed to declare the blockade, something Russia hasn’t done. In the grand scheme of things, the undeclared blockade likely ranks as one of Russia’s lesser war crimes, but it is still something, and crucially (my understanding is) that the undeclared nature would give the West the possibility to seize the opportunity and sail some serious vessels [NATO] into Odesa as a freedom of navigation operation [FONOP's]."

Foreign interventionist warships [NATO] conducting FONOP's the Black Sea the navies of Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey all with Black Sea coast line unfettered therefore by any Montreux Convention restrictions. All those navies too have minesweepers the sailings of which and entry into the war zone can be totally justified as a benevolent mission.


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