Saturday, April 16, 2022

Understanding I.

This is coolbert:

Here from the outstanding Internet web site "War on the Rocks" various links to podcasts and articles the Ukraine Conflict.

From soup to nuts stuff. For the scholar of international geo-political machinations and the general public both. Background material essential. Be ENLIGHTENED!


"We at War on the Rocks have curated this list of articles and podcasts to help you gain a deeper understanding of the history, drivers, background, and events of Russia’s massive assault on Ukraine. Whether you are a soldier or a student, a policymaker or a pundit, a teacher or a techie, this will be useful for you."

Some podcasts and articles FOR MEMBERS ONLY! Most for the general public.

"Critically, these offerings help place the conflict in the broader context of relations and confrontations between Russia and the West. These resources go back to 2014 and are organized by focus: strategy and the military balance, diplomacy, history, resistance, nuclear weapons and arms control, cyber, energy, Russian politics, and more. This list will be updated regularly."

Again, the soup to nuts stuff from 2014 forward until the present moment. You can only understand where you are now when you know where you have been!

Categories of podcasts and articles to include: 

* Strategy and the Military Balance.

* Resistance.

* Diplomacy and Sanctions.

* Nuclear Weapons, Security, and Arms Control.

* Germany Rearming?

* Energy.

* History.

* Cyber.

* Intelligence.

* Middle East Spillover.

* Asian Echoes.

* Russian and Ukrainian Politics.

* Is Putin a Good Strategist?

* China’s Lessons.

You the devoted reader to the blog pick and choose at will. This Ukraine Conflict hardly over.


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