Tuesday, April 19, 2022


This is coolbert:

See this DCS simulation via You Tube. The attack and sinking of the Moskva as modeled.

If indeed the Moskva DID NOT SINK from an inadvertent internal fire that set off ammunition stores.

"How Well Defended Was The Russian Slava Class Cruiser "Moskva"? | DCS

Moskva very well defended with organic air defense. Longer range and shorter range air-defense missiles both. CIWS gatling gun system for the close-in targets. Even the dual 130 mm gun can be used for air defense under certain circumstances. All radar guided for early warning/target acquisition/fire control.

American Harpoon anti-ship missile [ASM] fares rather poorly in comparison to the Soviet/Russian Kh-35 ASM. Ukrainian Neptune ASM based on the Kh-35. Harpoon flying at higher altitude during initial phase of attack can be engaged and destroyed by longer-radar air defense missiles. Kh-35 "flight profile" during constant low-altitude approach to the target harder to detect and successfully engage. All that under ideal circumstances. Under less than ideal circumstances as is modeled with swell [waves] and rain, even the radars of the short-range air defense missiles would not be able to detect the approach of a Kh-35/Neptune ASM! Kh-35 designed to attack enemy vessels of up to 5,000 tons. Moskva rated as about 9,000 tons but organic damage control poor? 

I notice that the target does NOT take evasive action during the simulation nor is there mention of any sort of chaff or other measures taken to counter the ASM onboard radar used for last moment terminal guidance of the weapon! If such is programmed into the simulation it is not mentioned.


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