Friday, April 22, 2022

Stockpile ATGM.

This is coolbert:

Reserve weapon stockpiles depleted USA and NATO allies. Germany in particular already expressing concern!

See this Strategy Page Internet article extracts the depletion problem and concerns. All thanks to Strategy Page.

"LOGISTICS: The War Reserve Stockpile War"

"April 18, 2022: The recent fighting in Ukraine has brought forth a lot of support from NATO nations, especially in terms of weapons, ammunition, military equipment, fuel and much more. These shipments have increased but keeping it coming may be a problem. So far nearly 90,000 anti-tank and portable air defense weapons have been sent. The most important of these have been portable ATGMs (Anti-Tank Guided Missiles) and portable anti-aircraft missiles, particularly the American Stinger. The modern ATGMs and Stingers have been particularly effective, so much so that the United States is quickly exhausting its supply of these weapons as are other NATO nations which have also sent other types of ATGMs and some very effective unguided anti-tank weapons. All these shipments came from existing stockpiles, known as War Reserve Stockpiles. Over the last six years other NATO members have been copying the American efforts to build sufficient reserves of key weapons and munitions just in case."

"The basic idea is to rebuild stockpiles of ammunition and equipment for use against a large, well-equipped force in a war. These stockpiles are also referred to as the 'War Reserve', as in large quantities of munitions and spares stockpiled to keep the troops supplied during the initial 30-60 days of fighting until production can be increased to sustain the fighting."

Further consider the costs per weapon replenishment:

ATGM = Anti-tank Guided-missile. SAM= Surface to Air Missile. NLAW = Next-generation Light Anti-tank Weapon. CLU = Command Launch Unit.

* Javelin reusable ATGM:  Missile only, export cost  (USD$240,000) + Lightweight CLU ( USD$249,700).  

* Single shot and throw away Stinger SAM: (USD$119,320).

* Single shot and throw away NLAW: (Unit cost USD$30,000–40,000).

HEY, nobody ever said war was easy. OR cheap for that matter.


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