Monday, April 25, 2022


This is coolbert:

Marder kaput? The Swiss speak!

 From the Internet web site "HNGN" the article by BY  ED FORSTER APR 25, 2022. 

Marder infantry-fighting vehicle as being transferred to the Ukrainian by the German will be do so but sans the 20 mm proprietary [?] Swiss-made ammunition as needed??

"Switzerland Blocks German Request for Swiss Made Ammunition Destined for Ukraine, Cites Neutral Status in Hostile Conflicts"

"Switzerland Blocks German Request for Swiss Made Ammunition Destined for Ukraine, Cites Neutral Status in Hostile Conflicts


"Switzerland stopped the delivery of Swiss-made ammunition for German infantry fighting vehicles that were supposed to be sent to Ukraine. The move stopped plans to re-export the ammunition to Ukraine, as reported last Sunday."

"The nation's State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (Seco) mentioned that Switzerland stressed a neutral state and legislation forbidding arms deliveries to conflict zones, as a rule, according to RT News."

"According to German media, Rheinmetall, a Dusseldorf-based automotive and arms business that makes Marder infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) for the German Army, utilizes this ammunition."

Marder can be transferred to the Ukrainian, but not the 20 mm ammunition as needed for the IFV to operate at 100 % full performance. Cross-country movement and protection for occupants very good but ability of the weapon system to provide supporting direct fire nil.

Do not confuse any of this with the previous blog entry the Slovenian sending T-72 tanks to Ukraine in return with Marder as acquired from the German.


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