Thursday, April 14, 2022

Moskva I.

This is coolbert:

Naval warfare Black Sea.

"The Ukrainians Claim They Damaged A Russian Cruiser. Be Skeptical."

Article by David Axe Forbes Staff Apr 13, 2022.

Russian naval missile cruiser and flagship of the Black Sea fleet Moskva under attack?

Ukrainian anti-ship missile Neptune at work? Several missiles said to have struck the Moskva.

"There are unconfirmed reports that a Ukrainian navy missile battery has struck the Russian navy cruiser Moskva off the coast of Odessa, a strategic port city on the Black Sea in southwest Ukraine."


"Be skeptical. Ukrainian sources more than once have reported hits on Russian warships blockading Odessa and other ports since Russia widened its war on Ukraine starting the night of Feb. 23."

Indeed. Moskva a formidable surface fighting naval warship the size of which are just not built anymore [other than aircraft carriers]. Armed to the teeth as they say and dangerous in all cases.


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