Sunday, April 17, 2022


This is coolbert:

Russian Eighth Guards Combined Arms Army [CAA] the second commander killed-in-action Ukraine!!

"Russia loses its EIGHTH general and 34th colonel in Ukraine in the latest hammer blow to Putin's botched invasion"

Yet the beat goes on. Senior Russian military leadership lost in combat, killed-in-action. The second commander of the 8th Guards Combined Arms Army [CAA] perishing during the Ukraine Conflict!

From the English tabloid "The Daily Mail" By WILL STEWART AND ADAM SOLOMONS FOR MAILONLINE 16 April 2022.

* "Vladimir Frolov was deputy commander of the 8th Guards Army in east Ukraine" * "Same unit's commander Andrei Mordvichev was killed in Kherson last month" * "Frolov was buried today in St Petersburg, Russian state media reported" * "Ally said he 'sacrificed his life so children in Donbas would not hear bombs again'" * "Tank commander Col Miras Bashakov became 42nd Russian senior officer slain".

And before Frolov there was Mordvichev! Regimental commander Colonel Bashakov also cannot be forgotten. 

An unusual aspect of the Ukraine Conflict so many senior Russian commanders killed-in-action. I am sure this perspective of the war going to be studied and intently so by some.

The massing of troops for the soon-to-be expected Russian high-expectations offensive in the Donbass area going to produce a lot more casualties, HIGH-RANKING personnel not exempt!


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