Sunday, April 10, 2022


This is coolbert:

Still another senior Russian military commander perishing in combat.

"Putin loses his NINTH colonel as tank commander becomes latest senior Russian officer to be named among their '19,000' killed in Ukraine war"

From the English tabloid "Daily Mail" the article by | 4/9/2022 | Chris Jewers. The tip from Freeper.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin has lost his ninth colonel in battle since launching his brutal invasion of Ukraine in February, as Moscow's losses continue to mount up. A funeral was held for Colonel Alexander Bespalov on Friday in the closed Russian city of Ozersk, according to a local announcement, which said he was killed 'during a special military operation in Ukraine' - a term used by Moscow to avoid saying 'war'. The statement said Bespalov was the commander of the 59th Guards Tank Regiment"

NINTH SENIOR OFFICER I BELIEVE KIA . Casualties not strictly confined to regimental commanders, general officers also. And this is all because? Unusual? YES!

See pertinent prior blog entries:


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