Tuesday, April 12, 2022


This is coolbert:

From the Internet web site Strategy Page those weapons of the Ukraine Conflict as carried by the common soldier of heavy-duty importance and as apparently a large factor in the apparent combat  effectiveness of the Ukrainian infantryman. 

Anti-tank weapons of the shoulder-fired variety. Pea-shooters as I deem them in some cases.

"Weapons: Four Small Wonders In Ukraine"

* Javelin. * NLAW. * AT-4. * Panzerfaust 3.

"April 10, 2022: The most potent weapons Ukraine received to oppose the Russian 2022 invasion were for its resourceful and determined ATTs (Anti-Tank Teams) that managed to destroy thousands of Russian armored vehicles and hundreds of trucks carrying supplies to the Russian forces. The ATTs were equipped with various Russian designed anti-tank weapons, some of them upgraded by Ukrainian manufacturers plus over 4,000 portable Western anti-tank weapons that had been shipped in before the invasion and in larger numbers after the Russians entered Ukraine."

"American Javelin, which had been around for over two decades and compiled an impressive record. Two Swedish designs, the NLAW/RB-57 and AT-4 were provided by Britain as the NLAW (Next generation Light Anti-tank Weapon) and later Sweden (as the RB-57) and the German Panzerfaust 3"

NLAW, AT-4 both disposable throw-away single-shot weapons. Panzerfaust 3 semi-disposable.

See also this You Tube video of what is puportedly a squad of Ukrainian anti-tank team infantry. Armed with a hodgepodge of anti-tank weapons.

"Battle for Kyiv: Combat footage give a glimpse at armament of Ukrainian anti-tank squad."

These Ukrainian infantry remind me to a degree of the Chechen fighters of the First Chechen War. The basic combat unit of the Chechen a four-man team consisting of two riflemen, a light-machine gunner and an anti-tank man carrying a RPG-7. These Ukrainian better armed. Have what appears to be a NLAW, Panzerfaust 3, a RPG-7 with a lot of reloads, and additional improved Soviet/Russian designed rocket-propelled grenades of the single-shot, throw-away version. Using skill and a LOT of guts and daring-do these troops can take out as the situation demands a main-battle tank, a light-armored vehicle, and of course soft-skinned vehicles. I was somewhat skeptical of this video to be honest. Not actual combat footage? Reports of high-power military weapons fire not quite right? The Ukrainian however does use suppressors on their rifles to include the familiar and ubiquitous AK.

AS should be obvious to even the most casual of observers, such a mission by infantry exceedingly dangerous under all circumstanceas. Teamwork and mental preparation of the essence.

Hey! Nobody ever said any of this was going to be easy.


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