Wednesday, March 23, 2022


This is coolbert:

First from the HuffPost the article by Mary Papenfuss March 21, 2022.

Too many senior officer the Russian army Ukraine killed in combat? What does that say?

"Reported Deaths Of 5 Generals Is Evidence That Russia's In Trouble, Warns Gen. David Petraeus"

"The reported deaths of five Russian generals in Ukraine is a sign of significant trouble for the Kremlin’s invasion, retired U.S. Gen. David Petraeus told Jake Tapper on CNN Sunday."

“'This is very, very uncommon. This is in the first three weeks,' said Petraeus. 'These are quite senior generals.'”

"Petraeus said four of the deaths have been confirmed. 'I think the fifth we’ll hear today,' he added."

"Petraeus attributed the deaths to a variety of factors, including Ukrainians jamming Russian communications, skilled snipers and a Russian military structure [Top-Down management] that keeps decisions in very few hands."

Further count that number of flag officers killed-in-action as now six?

"Andrey Paliy, 51, a Black Sea fleet commander, was shot dead by Ukrainian forces near the embattled city of Mariupol, making him the first Russian naval boss and sixth high-up military leader to die since the Kremlin invasion of Ukraine started last month."

Lastly those Russian senior commanders kill-in-action hardly confined to general officers. Colonel one rank lower than a general.

"Putin loses his 15TH top commander as Ukraine continues to take out elite troops: Colonel is latest to die as Russia suffers worst loss of military leaders since World War Two"

Recalcitrant and unmotivated troops having to be led from the front by senior commanders not a good sign. I am not sure about this.


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