Tuesday, March 22, 2022


This is coolbert:

Continuing, extacted tweets from a thread, analysis by Mr. Galeev the poor performance of the Russian army, Ukraine Conflict.

The Russian State Security apparatus making good use of criminal elements as a means of intimidating army personnel. The infamous Vorami v Zakone.


* Kamil Galeev


Mar 12

"December 2021. Thieves-in-law imposed tribute on a Russian military base, making NCOs & officers to pay them cash. They specifically target veterans of Syria who earned cash there. They harass, threaten, beat them. Leader of the gang was arrested but released in several months"


* Kamil Galeev


"That's not an exception. That's a rule. Russian military is constantly harassed by thieves and forced to pay money. Just four random headlines on how thieves force literally any military including the ones managing the nuclear rockets to pay them tribute. Russian army is a prey"

See the wiki entry for Thieves in Law. Often referred to as the Russian Mafia.


* Kamil Galeev


Mar 12

"Let's introduce some sociological context. Russian thieves traditionally portray themselves as the counterculture, the rebels. We don't care about the official law (Law of Cops), we follow only the Law of Thieves. We constitute a parallel state much superior to the official one"


* Kamil Galeev


Mar 12

"Thieves dominate in prisons. Their propaganda is working so well, that many naive prisoners really view thieves as rebels. But then they start doubting the narrative. They wonder, what if thieves play rebels but in reality are actively collaborating with prison administration?"


* Kamil Galeev


Mar 12

"If prisoners [forced labor camps] refuse to work and try to sabotage the production, thieves will plead, persuade, threaten and then physically force them to resume their work. Thieves may develop very long and complicated argumentation, but with only one imperative - production goals must be met"


* Kamil Galeev


Mar 12

"And only much later prisoners realise: thieves are not a parallel state. They're just another branch of the same state machine. They're controlled opposition which actively cooperates with authorities, do whatever state commands and never ever cross the line, or they're doomed"


* Kamil Galeev


·Mar 12

"Thieves racketeering the military, including  Syria veterans, nuke personnel is not an 'accident'. It's a deliberate government policy to keep professional military low in dominance hierarchy. Russian state purposefully keeps its military in this position. It's all part of a plan"


* Kamil Galeev


Mar 12

"If you want, you can dig further into how harassed, how abused and how low in hierarchy the Russian military are. Of course the lowest position ever is taken by conscripts. There are many publications on how conscripts were forced into gay prostitution to earn cash for higher ups"


* Kamil Galeev


Mar 12

"Ok, that's all part of a plan. But why would they develop such a plan? Well, higher-ups are afraid of the army. Russian thieves play rebels, being a part of state apparatus. The same way Russia plays a military regime being in fact a state security regime"


Inference: Thieves in Law with the approval of and in league with the Russian State Security appartus intimidating military personnel, officers and enlisted both. Hard to believe but I defer to expert opinion.

To be continued.


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