Friday, March 11, 2022

T & C.

This is coolbert:

From the "Cato Institue" a suggestion that there does exist a reasonable solution to the Ukraine Conflict. A negotiated settlement do-able, a lot of lives saved, the Ukraine spared further massive destruction.

T & C - Terms and conditions.

"The Finland Option May Still Save Ukraine"

By Ted Galen Carpenter. MARCH 1, 2022 • COMMENTARY 


"Putin seems to be offering Kyiv the 'Finland option' as an alternative to a Russian conquest [and occupation]. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union established outright puppet regimes throughout Central and Eastern Europe. The Kremlin’s policy regarding Finland was noticeably different, however. "Even under Joseph Stalin’s brutal reign, Moscow was willing to let Helsinki run the country’s domestic affairs with minimal interference. Finland remained a vibrant, mostly capitalist democracy, not a communist Soviet clone. With respect to foreign affairs, however, the limitations on the country’s options were emphatic and uncompromising. Finland had to toe the line on every aspect of the Kremlin’s policies. Not only did Helsinki have to renounce even the slightest flirtation with the Western powers regarding military and security issues, but the government even had to vote in lockstep with Moscow at the United Nations and other international bodies."


To an extent the current Ukraine reminds me of and DOES resemble the Winter War of 1940. Soviets and Finns. A war that lasted slightly beyond three full months with Soviet victory. But with great cost to the Soviets beyond any expectations. Finnish military effort surprisingly good and unexpected. Big time admiration directed toward the Finn from all parts of the world.

The Winter War was resolved with negotiated settlement to the detriment of Finland admittedly but with terms and conditions less onerous than the Finn having to fight a prolonged conflict with an extended period of guerrilla warfare and occupation. And so too will the Ukraine Conflict end in a similar manner? That remains to be seen.


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