Friday, March 4, 2022


This is coolbert:

"Quoi qu'on fasse, on perd beaucoup de monde.

More A-10 stuff and thanks to the "The Aviationist".

"Sorry A-10 Fans, Stopping the Russian Army Convoy in Ukraine Isn’t as Easy as 'BRRRRRRT!'

"A-10 Pilots Say Why Stopping the Russians Outside Kyiv Is a Very Dangerous Mission." 

Hey, you did say you wanted to fly airplanes, didn't you??

"In every war, some images become iconic. So far in the Ukrainian war, the MAXAR satellite photos of Russian vehicles lined up for '40 miles' [sixty-four kilometers] along the PO2, T1019 and T1011 highways north of the Hostomel Airport outside the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv have made headlines around the world."

"The photos of highways clogged with Russian invasion forces have prompted armchair experts on social media to post memes of the A-10 Warthog with 'BRRRRRRT!' scrawled across them. The Facebook 'experts' suggest a few A-10s could just roll in and use their GAU-8 30mm cannons and AGM-65 Maverick missiles to decimate the Russian vehicle column." 

"decimate: transitive verb - - 3a: to reduce drastically especially in number b: to cause great destruction or harm to"

If indeed the A-10 did enter the fray think not so much of the 30 mm GAU cannon of the warplane or the Maverick missile. Think rather anti-vehicle and anti-personnel cluster bomb as being most effective in this instance.

A very dangerous mission as mentioned because of the non-permissive environment of the Ukrainian airspace battlefield. Lots of Russian organic anti-aircraft artillery [AAA] and surface to air missiles [SAM].

Think Buk SA-17 and Pantsir SA-22.

"Whatever you do,' . . . 'you lose a lot of men."

Again, you did say you wanted to fly airplanes, didn't you?



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