Wednesday, March 30, 2022


This is coolbert:

Greta speaks!

Coverage the Ukraine Conflict Greta Van Susteren!

As seen at NewsMax the story By Luca Cacciatore | 28 March 2022.

"Greta Van Susteren to Newsmax: Ukrainians 'Determined to Fight'"

Embedded video: (Newsmax's "Eric Bolling: The Balance").

"Award-winning Journalist Greta Van Susteren told Newsmax on Monday that, unlike other wars she has covered, the Ukrainian people seem 'determined to fight.'"

NOT seem! ARE!


"She also said Ukrainians believe a missile attack on a fuel tank, which killed at least five in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv on Saturday, 'was designed to send a message to President [Joe] Biden.'"

Send a message? Indeed! That was my instantaneous and intuitive reaction! A message was sent!

Reminds me of the American bombing of North Vietnamese targets WHILE President Kosygin of the Soviet Union in Hanoi also sending a message. From that period of the Second Indo-China War.

INDEED, often have I thought that American retaliatory bombing of North Vietnam [a reaction to the Camp Holloway raid] would have been interpreted by the Soviet and Kosygin as a point-of-honor insult and a direct challenge from the USA, necessitating a Moscow response that up until that time was tepid at best. And you know the rest of the story.

ONLY the archival documents in Russia know the full truth and I for one do not have access.


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