Sunday, February 27, 2022


This is coolbert:

Additional considerable miscellany the Second Russo-Ukraine war. In no specific order or importance. Thanks to the tips from Freeper.

"miscellany: noun - -  A collection of various items, parts, or ingredients, especially one composed of diverse literary works. A mixture of various kinds; a combination of diverse objects, parts, or elements."

1. "Russians With Attitude".


"Russian Neo-Nazi Sergey Korotkikh [Malyuta], who is serving with the Azov Battalion, sends a video message to Chechen troops reportedly entering Ukraine. He says that all worthy Chechens died fighting Putin, he's looking forward to meeting them & promises to play soccer with their heads"

See previous blog entry persons serving with the Ukrainian-aligned Azov battalion wanted men.

2. "Germany to send thousands of weapons to Ukraine in major reversal"

2/26/2022, 10:13:40 AM ·

"Germany will send 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger missiles to Ukraine, marking a complete reversal in Berlin's restrictive arms export policy"

Kind of late now, isn't it Fritz?? Should have been done months ago.

3. "Anti-War Protests Break Out In Russian Cities As Many Shocked At Scale Of Ukraine Invasion"

2/26/2022, 9:44:44 AM 

"As Russian missiles rained down on Ukraine, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in cities across Russia to protest their government’s offensive on Thursday, and many were detained by police. According to the Russian rights monitoring group OVD-Info"

As I mentioned before, my fear is that these Russian anti-war demonstrations have actually been organized by Vlad himself. "“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” V. I. Lenin.

4. "Islamist Kadyrov Ready to Unleash Thousands of Chechen Fighters on Ukraine"

2/26/2022, 9:23:10 AM 

"Ramzan Kadyrov, leader of the Russian Federation’s Muslim-majority Chechen Republic, is prepared to unleash up to 70,000 fighters on Ukraine to support his “commander-in-chief”, Vladimir Putin"

Chechen fighters Ukraine? Wanted persons Ukrainian high-value-targets and personnel having served or are serving in the various Ukrianian militia also in the cross-hairs?

5. "Ukraine asks Red Cross to take away bodies of Russian soldiers --- The minister emphasizes that the Russian Federation needs to know how many such bodies and how many occupants lie on Ukrainian soil today"

2/26/2022, 9:16:23 AM 

"Deputy Prime Minister - Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Iryna Vereshchuk addressed the International Committee of the Red Cross with a request to remove the bodies of Russian soldiers from Ukraine."

See previous blog entries the Russians with some forethought having prepared for the expedited burial of Russian troops killed-in-action:

Normal repatriation of remains only normally done after a cessation of hostilities.


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