Saturday, January 15, 2022

Lavrov MFA.

This is coolbert:

MFA = Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Russia.

Courtesy here the Internet web site of the known FBI controlled agent provocateur Hal Turner.

Honestly, this DOES have me worried.

I am going to keep a close eye on this. I assume all devoted readers to the blog are doing the same

Consider this to be a WAR WARNING?

"URGENT: Lavrov - 'Russia's Patience with the West has come to an end . . .' MFA: 'World Faces IRREVERSIBLE Consequences'"

"Early Friday morning, 14 January 2022, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held his annual lengthy Press Conference.  In it, he told gathered media 'Russia's patience with the actions of the West has come to an end, we have been harnessing for a long time - now is the time to go.'”

"He [Lavrov] went on to say 'While we are waiting for a response [in writing] from NATO on security guarantees, [which he later said they expect by WEDNESDAY] Russia is now preparing for _any_ development of events.'”

People, wake up fast and do something fast. Disaster of the worst possible sort could be at hand in a way unwanted by all. Even the Russians. Please.

Ultimatum [?] as issued with DEADLINE most serious. Sort of like 1939.


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