Wednesday, January 5, 2022


This is coolbert:

Much more than "suspiciously similar"?

From the Russian Internet media outlet Sputnik and thanks to same.

Tit-for-tat retaliation threatened? "If you hit us we hit you."

"tit for tat: an equivalent given in return (as for an injury) : retaliation in kind"

"Situated in the heart of the Negev desert, The Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center [Dimona] is the suspected birthplace of Israel’s nuclear weapons. Tel Aviv neither confirms nor denies having nukes, in a policy known as ‘deliberate ambiguity’, while threatening to unleash hellfire on any Middle Eastern nation it thinks may be pursuing such arms."

Combat drones the field-tested Shahed-136? Launched in a swarm. A kamikaze drone? Ballistic missiles of the Dezful variety. Range of 1000 kilometers [620 miles]. All missiles loaded on mobile launchers. Attack as shown with conventional weaponry only.

Consequences of an attack on the Dimona nuclear reactor and facilities obviously will be almost an earth-shattering event with possible world-wide ramifications incalculable!


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