Saturday, January 1, 2022


This is coolbert:

"The 'bitch' was an automatic SLR [Self-Loading-Rifle]  which was built [modified] by one of the armourers and sounded like a 50-calibre machine gun . . . It was great because the enemy used to think they'd hit a heavy weapons company . . . and not a small patrol" - - Trooper Malone. SASR.

SASR = Australian Special Air Services Regiment. Special operations troops of the highest caliber.

From the Internet web site "We Are The Mighty" a description of how the FN FAL assault rifle [called the Self-Loading-Rifle, SLR] by the Australian military was modified to provide deadly firepower for SAS small unit patrols during a reconnaissance mission. 

Modifying a weapon in this manner without prior approval highly frowned on. You are destroying government in the process. Modification even IF useful mostly a no-no received by authority with disapproval.

Modifications in this instance consisting of: * Shortened barrel and stock. * No flash suppressor. * Auto-fire only. * Forward pistol grip.

Used primarily [?] as a "shock and awe" weapon. A thirty round magazine emptied with one burst, bang and flash causing the enemy to go to ground. Time bought for an expedited and more safe team extrication.

This You Tube video showing a SAS small unit patrol  Troops carrying American M-16 with 40 mm grenade launcher.

See additionally from the era of the Rhodesian Bush War a Soviet era machine gun modified and carried by Rhodesian light infantry.

Yet one more instance of a modified weapon as used by small-unit patrols to provide maximum firepower on demand. Shock and awe. Here a Rhodesian troop [from the era of the Rhodesian Bush War] carries a modified Soviet RPD machine gun. Heavily modified, barrel and stock [?] shortened. Front pistol grip added. Retains the one-hundred round barrel magazine, 7.62 X 39 round. Also I assume used to suppress an enemy when a patrol breaking contact with the foe. I would like to own one of those but I doubt any are available.

I might think too "authority" having much less regard for the modification of a captured enemy weapon. 


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