Wednesday, January 26, 2022

100 %.

This is coolbert:

"'They've resigned themselves,' . . . But they're extremely relaxed. There is not a hint of nervousness in their faces. They're ready to fight. They've been ready for many years now. They don't want to. I asked them, 'Do you want this war?' And they're like, 'Of course not.'"

See this CNN photo-essay, images from Timothy Fadek. I recommend highly without qualification or reservation.

"On the front lines, Ukrainians brace for possible attack"

Photographs by Timothy Fadek/Redux for CNN


"'They have embraced the inevitability,' Fadek said. 'I was talking to one of the soldiers and he said: 'It's inevitable. We've accepted this inevitability of an attack.' And then there was a little bit of an argument between two soldiers. One said, 'The Russians will not come across the border, they will attack from the sea,' meaning the Sea of Azov. Another soldier disagreed with both those assessments and said, 'No, the attack will come from Belarus.'"

"But while they might not agree with where an attack will come from, they are all 100% convinced it is going to happen."

CALM before the STORM! No matter when or where, going to be bad. Consequences almost incalculable and for the worst in all cases!


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