Wednesday, December 8, 2021


This is coolbert:

Directly under command of the state Governor. AND only answerable to same.

Florida State Guard. Not to be confused with the Florida National Guard.

"DeSantis Moves To Reactivate Florida State Guard, A Defense Force Answerable Only To Florida Governor"

Thanks to National File and the article by Tom Pappert.


"Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis introduced a budget including funds to reactivate the Florida State Guard, a World War II-era defense force answerable only to the state’s governor."

"As part of a $100 million budget funding the Florida National Guard, Republican firebrand Ron DeSantis has requested $3.5 million for the purpose of reactivating the Florida State Guard. This defense force was first started during World War II, and answers directly to the Florida governor."

A State Guard must be carefully differentiated from the National Guard. Both State and National Guard in a time of PEACE under the control of the state governor. During a time of war and when activated a National Guard unit under the control of the President USA.

State Guard at all times [war and peace both] only during the direct control of a state governor.

Primary mission as I understand it of a State Guard disaster relief. NOT combat troops although State Guard personnel almost always having prior military experience.

See the contrarian view the State Guard described as a "disgusting reality". Governor DeSantis seen as having ulterior motives in his "reactivating" the State Guard.

Fevered minds [the contrarians] at work and greatly fearful but without justification?


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