Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Toxics II.

This is coolbert:

"'Today we have witnessed how the Polish security forces used special means containing toxic irritating chemicals against refugees, including women and children, on the Belarusian-Polish border,' 

"'The thoughtless use of such means can lead to irreversible consequences for human health, damaging respiratory and visual systems,'" 

Devoted readers to the blog have been following with interest the events as currently transpiring on the border crossing between Poland and Belarus? If you have not been, you should be!

Ever increasing numbers of migrants [read correctly Middle Easterners fleeing the wars of their home nations] attempting to cross the border into the European Union in an illegal manner. Stopped at the border crossing check point by Polish security forces.


"Belarus Claims Poland Used Special Means With Toxic Chemicals Against Migrants on Border"

From the Russian Internet media outlet Sputnik. Special means normally indicates weapons of mass destruction. WMD.

"MINSK (Sputnik) - The Polish security forces used special equipment containing toxic chemicals on the Belarusian border against migrants trying to break into Poland, Igor Malyk, deputy head of the radiation, chemical and biological protection and ecology department of the General Staff of the Belarusian Armed Forces, said on Tuesday."

Riot agents [tear gas and similar] not toxic as being lethal. Cause breathing problems and irritation to the eyes and mucus membranes but ordinarily will not kill and totally understood as NOT dangerous to persons in good health.

A tense situation escalating as we speak. I am tempted to say the Gleiwitz Incident from 1939. Belarus surely seems to want the "incident" for whatever reason. Uses desperate people including little children as pawns. Wrong! Very wrong!

This matter hardly settled or even ameliorated.


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