Friday, October 15, 2021


This is coolbert:

"Some damn fool thing in the Balkans."

In this particular case we are carrying things way too far!

To war over license plates? Thanks to the Russian media outlet Russian Times.

"10 Albanians arrested in Kosovo after attacking Serbs as ethnic tensions flare, drawing in Serbia & NATO"

"The incident highlights the ongoing escalation of ethnic tensions in Northern Kosovo, which ratcheted up last week due to a row between Kosovo and Serbia over the issue of the opposing sides’ non-recognition of the legitimacy of each others’ vehicle license plates. Kosovo authorities decided to no longer recognize plates issued by Serbia, forcing drivers of vehicles who want to cross the border to buy temporary Kosovo-issued plates instead."

A trivial matter that greatly exacerbates already existing tensions.

Maps, stamps, coins, even television weather insets we have all heard of. Casus belli in some instances. Point-of-honor offense necessitating military action in response. Sovereignty the issue.

See previous blog entry [with many additional embedded links] pertinent:


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