Saturday, October 23, 2021


This is coolbert:

See from You Tube the latest Binkov video.

Binkov too has taken notice and gives his analysis of the latest and greatest American aerial bombardment innovation. As was the topic of a most recent blog entry.

"Is USAF getting hundreds of thousands of anti-ship guided bombs?"

"This video analyzes recent USAF tests of their JDAM bombs. Now with novel guidance system that will enable them to be used against moving targets, such as ships. Could it all mean that suddenly the entire satellite guided bomb inventory may become dual use weapon inventory, capable of targeting ships? Watch the video to see how it was achieved."

The anti-ship guided-bomb consider a game changer too. USAF given a capability to engage successfully enemy ships at sea with precision bombardment hitherto either not possible nor practical.

Details still mostly secret? I hope so.


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