Tuesday, September 21, 2021


This is coolbert:

"a short-turnaround time of just ten minutes, during which a team composed of a technician and five conscripts would be able to re-arm, refuel, and perform basic inspections and servicing inside that time window"

The Swedish Gripen air superiority fighter plane able to operate in a very comfortable manner from an expedient airstrip having BEEN DESIGNED to do so. With ground crew in a totally workable manner their ability to service the warplane having been well thought out too. One technician trained as a supervisor and four conscripts acting as menials.

See the video. I am impressed!

I am especially impressed with the hand-operated crank type tools that the ground crew has available. Very heavy objects winched into place with relative ease. Pilot too can take a coffee break during that ten minute turnaround and use the toilet if he needs to.

Sweden shows the rest of the world how it can be done!


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