Sunday, August 8, 2021


This is coolbert:

"One pill makes me happy. One pill makes me small. And the one mother gives me, doesn't do any good at all."

From the Internet web site Strategy Page and thanks to same.

American troops drugged in a deliberate manner? But for a good purpose?

"Morale: Lifesaving Fatigue Remedies"

"August 5, 2021: Among the many advances in military medicine since 2000, one of the least noted is improvements in alertness drugs which have been used for over a century to keep soldiers, sailors and eventually airmen alert during long periods of necessary wakefulness. Most current alertness drugs are non-prescription items,"

A long list of drugs non-addictive being passed out to the troops to increase a level of alertness and wakefulness as described.

One possible useful drug and not mentioned yerba mate. A favorite drink of the Argentinian gaucho. A tea-like brewed drink provides for more energy longer, combats listlessness, fatigue and sleepiness without dangerous side effects such as jitteriness as you might get with excessive consumption of caffeine.

From the noted medical authority Mayo Clinic:

"Yerba mate is an herbal tea. This tea, commonly known simply as mate, is popular in parts of South America. The leaves and twigs of the yerba mate plant are dried, typically over a fire, and steeped in hot water to make an herbal tea. Yerba mate may be served cold or hot. Like black tea, yerba mate contains caffeine, which is a stimulant."

"In the U.S., yerba mate is widely available in health food stores and online. People who recommend yerba mate say that it can relieve fatigue, aid in weight loss, ease depression, and help treat headaches and various other conditions. There's limited evidence that yerba mate may help with some of these conditions."


During the period of the Roman Empire a soldier falling asleep while on guard duty the punishment death. The old ways preferred?


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