Saturday, August 28, 2021


This is coolbert:

"It ain't over until it's over."

Just as you thought the dust was finally settling the Afghan situation is again roiled.

From the Internet web site Soldier of Fortune and thanks to same.

As it has been in Afghan in the past so shall it be once more? No one ethnicity in Afghan ever able to completely dominate! Taliban beware. Note even a breather and a new conflict begins?

1. "The Resistance to the Taliban in On, as the 'lion of the Panjshir’s ' son mobilizes resistance"

"The Taliban are dispatching hundreds of fighters to the Panjshir Valley, 150 kilometers [93 miles] north of the Afghan capital, Kabul, to try to stamp out an emerging resistance movement led by the son of a warlord who defied them the last time they ruled Afghanistan 20 years ago."

As goes Masood [father] so goes Masood [son]? Enemies and in opposition to the Taliban. We shall see.

2. "Dostum, the Afghan Warlord Who Led US Special Forces to Topple the Taliban Regime is back?"

Dostum and Masood both Tajik ethnics. Not Pashtun as are the Taliban. Rivals. Another Northern Alliance allied with the USA forming as was in the days of September 2001?

Don't expect American aid and assistance to Masood [the son] and Dostum? Too much water over the dam so to speak for WASH DC? No more Afghan!


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