Friday, August 6, 2021


This is coolbert:

From the Internet web site Independent Barents Observer the article by Thomas Nilsen.

"Final voyage for Soviet’s first nuclear sub will be via the inner waterways"

"The legendary submarine K-3 'Leninsky Komsomol' will be transported from the Nerpa shipyard on the Kola Peninsula to Kronstadt outside St. Petersburg to become part of the Museum of Navy Glory."

Project 627 a Soviet era nuclear submarine. November class by NATO designation. The answer to the American Nautilus. Boat K-3 in the water since 1959 and now going to become a museum piece, minus contaminated nuclear reactor as we can well imagine.

Surprisingly so to American naval planners K-3 that first boat of the class NOT a prototype. Soviets rather going RIGHT INTO PRODUCTION without having first tested a prototype. Fourteen Cold-War era November class constructed in total.

November at the time rated as SUPERIOR to American nuclear submarine analogs. November capable of greater operational depth, more armaments, faster.

November also noisy, having quality control [QC] problems, and a lack of systems having been tested beforehand. Soviet naval commanders however describing these acknowledged difficulties as not an impediment to combat effectiveness, problems resolved adequately. 


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