Monday, August 9, 2021

Drogen II.

This is coolbert: 

"Hitler did not drink. Hitler did not smoke. Hitler did not wench. But Hitler it is believed a user of stimulants in a reckless manner actually perhaps his mentality to make reasoned decisions severely compromised."

Hitler also a vegetarian. Led the clean and healthful life except for those "minor" episodes of ingestion of mind-altering drugs. Zowie!

With finality from a much prior blog entry heavily edited.

 "Nazis tested cocaine on camp inmates 

 "The pills contained a mix of cocaine, the amphetamine pervitin and a morphine-related painkiller, according to Focus, which said that Nazi scientists began experimenting with the drug in 1944." "It was hoped the drug would give soldiers almost unlimited fighting powers at a time when the German armies were in retreat." 

This approach toward producing a soldier capable of superhuman performance by drugging the troops is very wrong-headed. Perhaps [and only so] good in the short run, very bad in the long run. You will end up with a brain-fried individual whose senses and mental state will become warped - - an unmanageable troop. Also, with the various types of "speed" drugs and any form of opiate, your body will constantly crave more and more, a level of "tolerance" NEVER becoming possible, an unlimited and insatiable addiction being the result. 


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