Monday, August 30, 2021


This is coolbert:

Confirmed! Thousands?

Courtesy Breitbart.

Islamic State Khorasan [ISKP] active in Afghan and having perpetrated the suicide bombing at Kabul airport the Taliban have released as alleged "thousands" of ISIP prisoners as previously captured.

"Pentagon Confirms ‘Thousands’ of Islamic State Prisoners Released by Taliban"

"Pentagon press secretary John Kirby confirmed Friday that 'thousands' of Islamic State prisoners were freed after the United States handed over bases to the Afghan government."

"The freeing of thousands of Islamic State prisoners is under scrutiny after an Islamic State suicide attacker killed 13 American service members and a number of Afghan and other nations’ civilians at a gate at the Hamid Karzai International Airport on Thursday."

Taliban a predominantly Pushtun ethnic movement. ISKP more of an international terrorist organization in contrast. Goals between the two groups differ. The Afghan highly against any foreign presence. Fighting of a very significant nature must have been occurring and for a long time that so many ISKP prisoner in captivity.

See previous blog entry, covert American airstrikes IN SUPPORT OF THE TALIBAN perhaps not such a rare occurrence.


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