Monday, July 26, 2021


This is coolbert:

Courtesy here the Ron Unz Internet web site and the article by ANATOLY KARLIN •

"Bolshevik Aristocide: the Fate of Sikorsky's Engineers"

Bolshevik purging/liquidation [killing or imprisoning] entire categories of persons in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution and the imposition of communism destructive of the intelligentsia and those most fruitful and skilled in technological advancement. Even to include the field of military aeronautical engineering!


Consider these major achievements of the Sikorsky design bureau during World War One and beyond:

"Igor Sikorsky was a giant of aviation history. He designed the world’s first heavy bomber (Ilya Muromets), the world’s first mass produced helicopter (Vought-Sikorsky VS-300), and founded a multi-billion worth aviation company that continues making helicopters to this day."

Aftermath of the Russian Revolution the Bolshevik secret services however liquidating all those by criteria who posed a potential threat to the new regime. To include engineers and intellectuals of any sort.

"75 leading Russian aviation specialists who worked with Sikorsky, including at the Russo-Baltic Wagon Factory which manufactured the Ilya Muromets*. Here are the shocking statistics – out of Sikorsky’s 75 engineers:

* 1 died during World War I before 1917.

* 25 died between 1917 and 1924.

* 32 emigrated

* Of the 17 who remained in the USSR, a further 8 were subsequently repressed."


Soviet secret services their listing of potential enemies of the state the intelligentsia figuring rather high:

"5) The technical intelligentsia, and the intelligentsia in general"

Consider the Russian [Soviet] loss to be American gain. For over one hundred years now and ongoing.


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