Sunday, July 18, 2021


This is coolbert:

KZN = KwaZulu-Natal. South Africa.

Civil turmoil requiring a military response.

From ZeroHedge and the article by TYLER DURDEN

Reserve units activated.

"South African Army 'Activates' All Reserve Members Amid Worsening Social Unrest"

"Update (1810ET): As social unrest nears the 7th day in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, the South African Army Reserve has ordered 'all Reserve Members' for duty on Thursday morning [15 July]." 

See the various embedded video. Reminds me of USA 2020.

Police agencies no longer able to contain or suppress rioting and looting. A more robust security force needed.

And as reported by the Internet web site "War is Boring" ammunition stockpiles [at least for the civilian sector] LOW.

Additionally from an acknowledged African hand familiar with the situation:

* South African National Defense Force when activating reservists: "they’ll be scraping the bottom of the barrel".

* Reservists when activated lacking: "strict discipline and good leadership on the ground".

The die is cast, the outcome far from clear.

ZeroHedge in some quarters referred to as a far-right wing web site but I disagree!


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