Friday, July 2, 2021


This is coolbert:

GSE = Giunio Santi Engineering.

From the Internet web site Naval News and the commentary by H.I. Sutton.

"Italy’s Secretive Submarine Deal With Qatar: New Intelligence"

"Government hearings are sometimes a source of information on sensitive defense deals. Even ones of some magnitude, like the export of submarines. A slide shown to the Italian Parliament's hearing on Defense and Technology Research may give a fresh clue to a secret submarine project."

"The world of Italian midget submarine construction is famously secretive. Deals are not talked about in the same way that larger submarine purchases inevitably are. Currently an Italian boatyard is building two small submarines for the Qatari Emiri Navy. That much can be treated as fact, yet few other details are available through traditional reporting. In the absence of details, speculation has been rife."

A midget submarine having apparently a multiplicity of missions and capabilities. Including carrying two torpedoes.

See previous blog entries Italian midget submarine research and development:

"the Italians have very good brains, the brains of great inventors. Few people realize that before the Second World War Italy's technology was at an incredibly high level . . . achievements, especially in the sphere of aviation, submarines and high-speed launches, were really amazing . . . the Italians were the unrecognized geniuses of military and naval technology"

La tradizione continua. 


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