Monday, July 5, 2021

BB-64 WI.

This is coolbert:

Here images with commentary. Surprising! Never seen these before. Context important.

"4th of July shipposting: USS Wisconsin- aka 'Wisky'"

Thanks to the gallery of Click on the images to see an enlarged view.

"USS Wisconsin is tied up outboard of the hull of Oklahoma at Pearl Harbor Navy Yard on 11 November 1944. Note the great difference in the length of the two battleships." USS Oklahoma capsized at Pearl Harbor 7 December 1941. Late righted but did not subsequently see combat action during the  war [WW2]

"In a floating drydock off Guam in 1952. One of my favorite photos because see that drifting hulk ahead of the Wisconsin? That's the 1896 vintage USS Oregon BB-3, which was turned into an ammo barge for the invasion of Guam in WW2 and just kinda... sat there.. for a while"

Island of Guam in the background. In the center BB-64 Wisconsin in a  floating drydock. Forward of the bow of the Wisconsin the Spanish-American War battleship USS Oregon BB-3. Warship [Oregon] top-of-the-line in 1898 observe once more the comparison of size!! Oregon during WW2 an ammunition barge. 


Comparisons sometimes awesome.


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