Saturday, June 12, 2021


This is coolbert:

Courtesy the Coffee or Die Internet webzine more counter-drone "weapons" in the arsenal.


That article by James R. Webb | June 10, 2021

"Kids famously love Silly String battles, shooting each other with strings of synthetic foam. But parents — equally famously — do not, because the fun strings turn to crusty webs, sticking to hair, clothes, and just about everything else. Now, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, is putting the same concept to use against those small, screaming brats of the sky: drones."

"Silly String (generically known as aerosol string) is a toy of flexible, sometimes brightly colored, plastic string propelled as a stream of liquid from an aerosol can. The solvent in the string quickly evaporates in mid-air, creating a continuous strand. Silly String is often used during weddings, birthday parties, carnivals and other festive occasions, but it has also proven useful militarily to detect tripwires."

Counter-drone UAV emitting a spew of silly string. Jamming mid-air the motors and controls of the enemy UAV. This is the idea? Sorta like a spider spinning a web? Counter-drone UAV also AUTONOMOUS!

See previous blog entries the topic counter-drone measures. 

Measures and methods to combat the drone threat a major area for research I might well suspect.


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