Friday, April 16, 2021


This is coolbert:

“I call on all Muslims in the world to join us in Congo,” . . . “I swear by God this is the abode of [the] Islamic State.”

AND if it isn't now, it will be so shortly?

From the Wall Street Journal and the article by Benoit Faucon, Nicholas Bariyo and Joe Parkinson.

"Islamic State Seeks Revival in Christian Countries"

"Central African affiliates launch deadly assaults in Congo and Mozambique, as terror group latches onto local insurgencies"

"KAMPALA, Uganda—Islamic State was collapsing in Iraq and Syria, but from the jungles of Eastern Congo a jihadist appeared on YouTube to declare that the Caliphate was regrouping in Central Africa."

According to the precepts of Mao guerrilla warfare/insurrection central Africa the demographics not favoring the Caliphate II, Islamic State!

CAR = Central African Republic. DRC = Democratic Republic of the Congo. 
ROC = Republic of the Congo.

Percentages of the national population Muslim for central African nations as found at the CIA World Factbook:

* CAR  10 % Muslim  * DRC Congo  1.3 %  Muslim  * ROC Congo 1.6 % Muslim  * Gabon  10 % Muslim  * Cameroon  25 % Muslim  * Tanzania   35 %  * Kenya   11 % Muslim  * Zambia   < 3 %  Muslim  * Angola. 20 % Muslim  * Malawi  13 % Muslim  * Rwanda   2 % Muslim  * Uganda  14 % Muslim  * Mozambique 20 % Muslim.

And the thought of the Islamic insurgent central Africa with regard to demographics is what?


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