Saturday, March 20, 2021


This is coolbert:

Continuing with extracts from the headline page of the New York Times 1861. Courtesy Freeper.

"NATIONAL AFFAIRS: The Latest Reports Relative to Fort Sumpter; Editorial-Peace or War; FROM CHARLESTON: The Floating-Battery Finished (3/20/1861)"

New York Times archives – Times Machine ^ | 3/20/1861

"The time of the President and Cabinet has been mostly employed yesterday and to day upon the question of the evacuation of Fort Sumpter. No order has yet been issued. The matter is in the hands of the President. A Cabinet majority favors an evacuation."

Regarding what is called the floating battery:

"A floating battery is a kind of armed watercraft, often improvised or experimental, which carries heavy armament but has few other qualities as a warship."

Further from The Times the same edition:


"The Floating-Battery Finished - - A Snow-storm-Inviting Vessels to be Wrecked - - The Hibernian Ball - Northern Men in the Southern Service , and c."

"The Floating Battery is at last finished, and the event was celebrated by a salute of seven guns for the States that are out of the Union, and after a slight pause, one  more for Arkansas, which is expected to follow in the wake of her devil-count-the-cost sisters." 

A crescendo approaches! Everyone has made ready. Climactic events shortly to occur!


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