Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Throne I.

This is coolbert:

"Most eloquent object".

Never even such a genre' of art ever existed

"Throne of Weapons"

"objet d'art: n. An object of artistic merit. n. A work of art with some artistic merit. n. An artwork exhibited for the purposes of decoration or the reflection of social status."


"The Throne of Weapons is a 2002 sculpture created by Cristóvão Canhavato out of disused weapons. It is owned by the British Museum and has been called the Museum's most "eloquent object" and has been shown in a wide variety of ways."

As usual click on image to see an enlarged view.

"The sculpture was created by Cristóvão Estevão Canhavato . . . Canhavato works under the name Kester as part of a co-operative called Associação Núcleo de Arte. Kester's artistic education took place at the artist's collective . . . The artists collective was supported by Christian Aid and another Christian group led by Bishop Dinis Sengulane as part of an organisation called 'Transformação de Armas em Enxadas' or 'Transforming Arms into Tools'".

That throne consisting of parts of discarded weapons of war. To include parts of:

* AK-47.

* H&K G3.

* AKM.

* PPSh-43.

" . . . Then He will judge between the nations and arbitrate for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer take up the sword against nation, nor train anymore for war." - - Isaiah 2:4

Mozambique for over two and one-half decades a theater of war, awash with all sorts sof small arms, mines, etc.

Swords into plowshares? You decide.



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